Thursday, February 23, 2012

Blog 6 - Memory

First, read chapter 4 on your textbook on memory

1. List 10 tips from your textbook or class on Improving Your Memory.
- Dance to increase blood flow to brain.
- Blueberries that have good antioxidants for your brain
- Try to memorize stuff on an empty stomach because, the body releases an enzyme that helps memory.
- Make sure you take care of your body... sleep, eat, drink, and exercise
- Repeat the material a few times like definitions.
- Chewing gum slightly increases blood flow to the brain.
- Use mnemonic trick to memorize things
- Vitamins taken daily will help your memory
- Highlighting will help memory because, it activates two parts of your brain and helps remember
- Trying to relate things to images help it to go into your memory

2. Define the term pseudo forgetting?
- It is when you never really learn something in the first place. You can sometimes remember when it was told to you, but you won't be able to recall the information... "I forgot".

3. List three theories about why we forget information?
- Only put into your short term memory
- Never really learn it - pseudo forgetting
- Not having a "healthy body"

4. Put the following sentence on your blog with the correct % :
"In 24 hours we forget 75% of the information if we do not review."

5. What is the MOST important thing in having a great memory?
- a healthy body

6. List 10 Super Memory Foods. (You can find these easily by doing an online search!)
- Fish/Fish oil vitamins
- Blueberries
- Tomatoes
- Blackcurrant
- Pumpkin seeds
- Sage
- Nuts
- Apples
- Rosemary

7. Explain why taking Flinstone Gummy Vitamins would be good for memory?
- Taking flinstone gummies have many things that help with memory. It contains B12 that helps with brain activity. Also many other vitamins like vitamin A, C, D, and E that all are essential for your body to be healthy. And a healthy body helps memory.

Links on Memory:

Link on Forgetting:

Monday, February 13, 2012

1. Make a Top 10 List of Things Professors Find Annoying
   2. Texting
   3. If laptop open and on a different site off task
   4. Packing early
   5. Comparing your teacher with another in front of them.
   6. Playing dumb
   7. Going for help on the assignment the day it is due
   8. Tardiness
   9. No assignments turned in then ask for extra credit in the end
   10. Asking the day we miss class if you missed anything important

2. Make a Top 10 List of Things That Would Impress Your Professors
   1. Answering the right answer
   2. Good questions
   3. Good grades on assignments
   4. Introduce myself
   5. Email a respectful message if I miss class
   6. Be a teachers pet (buy things for the teacher)
   7. Coming for help on assignments with time before due
   8. Be very appropriately active in class.
   9. Write assignments down in agenda to seem very organized
   10. Try to find common grounds with your teacher, and communicate often.

3. What has Ms. Janelle been trying to tell you about the relationship you have with your professors in college in relation to your future in the professional world after graduation? Elaborate what this means in terms of career success or failure. 
   -  Well you have to have good etiquette in the professional world. For example, texting in front of you boss is a big no no. You can give the wrong impression even though you are a hard worker. You got to develop a good relationship with you co-workers and boss. This doesn't mean suck up, and be a brown noser because, they are people who don't like that (me included). Anyways, here in college is where you develop your professional etiquette to take with you to the professional world after you graduate.

4. What are 5 things to keep in mind when writing an email to your professor? 
   1. Always adress the person correctly. Spell his/her name correctly. Use their correct title
       such as "Dr."
   2. Always put a Subject in the Subject heading.
   3. Always use spell check.
   4. Do NOT use texting vocabulary. Such as "lol" "tnk u" etc.
   5. Always use the closure "Respectfully".

Link Required: 

1. Put a link on your blog to an article/website/video on respect in the workplace. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Blog 4: Listening & Note Taking

1. What was the result of your quiz (what level listener are you)?
- 80, "You listen well"

2. Do you agree with the result? Why/not?
- I disagree. My was always able to pay attention to many things at once. Proof is that I played goalie in soccer all through high school. So as a goalie I had to watch the player with the ball as well as look for possible open plays and men then give commands to my defense so that they can cover while still keeping my attention to the ball holder. Even though this is not listening, I think it still applies.

3. After some tips about listening/note taking, what are 5 things you can do to improve your in class listening skills?
- I always look, ask questions, emotions under control, and don't interrupt. However, I must admit that I do assume sometimes which is something that I have to work on. Also I don't like the Cornell Note Taking System however I don't think it matters right now because, I have to learn it for class.

4. What will be the approximate cost of 1 HPU lecture hour (50 minutes) for you this Fall?
- (18,400/15)/18 is approximately 64 dollars per lecture hour.

5. Now consider the day/s of the week you have the most classes (ex: 3 or 4 a day). How much $ are you paying that day for all classes combined.
- 64*4=272

6.What about for the whole week now? How much do you spend for a week's worth of classes?
- $1154

7. Write a paragraph, about your reflections on knowing the cost of classes. What does this mean to you?
- This means absolutely nothing! Nothing at all. The fact is that the money is not an important issue. The issue is that you need a college degree to have a better chance to be successful so either way you got to put in the work!
